Meeting Extra Demand

Meeting Extra Demand

Here at Safety Hoist, we’ve seen an increase in ladder lift orders since a fire destroyed a competitor’s facilities. Although their loss is our gain, we hope this platform lift company’s employees will soon be safely back to work. Even though we are very busy with these additional orders, we are
  • Keeping up with the extra demand
  • Committed to maintaining the highest quality safety products for the roofing industry and allied industries
  • Still providing outstanding service
AND we’ve launched a new product—the VH-300 roofing ladder —to address changing needs in the roofing industry. This model, in particular, is designed with a 300-lb. capacity and strength and stability for roof peaks. Due to demand, current delivery dates are 2-3 weeks out. Choose your Safety Hoist product and place your order as soon as possible so we can get it into production. To order, call toll-free 1-877-99-HOIST or fax 610-941-4336.
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