Safety Hoist Spotlight: Dianne Medina

Safety Hoist Spotlight: Dianne Medina

Once a month, we will be shedding some light on the great team that works behind the scenes here at Safety Hoist and giving you some insight into their careers, lives, and future aspirations.

This week, we’d like to introduce you to Dianne Medina, Safety Hoist’s Marketing Associate. Dianne has worked at Safety Hoist Company for almost two years and her versatility and desire to serve our customers is a tremendous asset to our team.

Dianne helps our company bring awareness to our consumers through our various social media channels, whether they speak Spanish or English, about who we are, what we do, and how we can help them. 

When Dianne studied at Temple University, majoring in international business, she decided to pursue marketing. She wanted to pursue this major for many reasons–mostly for the fact that she can use her first language–and she was intrigued with the digital aspect of the courses.

 “I’m always on social media–maybe a little too much–but I’ve always been fascinated with how you can reach out to people through just photos, graphics or videos and they’ll be able to relate to the content in some shape or form,” Dianne said.

While she was still an undergrad, she often traveled to different countries. She noticed that in every country–whether she went to a clothing store or a fast food chain restaurant–each business catered themselves differently and matched their marketing techniques to that country's culture. 

After the Covid-19 Pandemic, she decided to take a full-time position as a Marketing Associate at Safety Hoist Company.

“Being able to work at Safety Hoist showed me an industry that never came to mind [when I began looking at jobs] but learning about new industries like this one will definitely help shape my career in the future.”

Starting her career at Safety Hoist, she faced a few challenges early on; the biggest being how to reach the Latino audience in the industries the company serves. To get started, Dianne had to do some digging to see what type of social media content the latino contractors find useful and helpful. 

Our company takes pride in helping our customers. We know that a lot of our customers are in the Latino community; a group of people that make up a large portion of the roofing industry. They often don’t have the same resources as others do which is why we create content meant for them so they can find us and we can help them. 

Every morning, Dianne comes into the office, has a sip of her favorite medium roast Nespresso coffee and puts on her Crime Junkie Podcast to start her day. 

“I love working for Safety Hoist because it is a small company and everybody knows everybody and is extremely approachable,” Dianne said.

“I can easily speak to my manager if I have any questions or have any new ideas without having to go through many hoops.”

That’s not the only reason why Dianne loves coming to work. 

“Another reason I love working here is because of the different customers I get to talk to on a day-to-day basis.”

As Dianne continues to grow in her career at Safety Hoist, we’re glad to have her as part of our team.

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