SteepSlope Scaffold Training & Setup Video
View our demostration video for the SteepSlope Scaffold & view our instruction manual below.
Setup Instructions:

Insert roof mounting bracket onto top 8 ft. rail and insert the locking pin. Note: The ridge mount bracket has two mounting tubes. Insert rail into the appropriate tube for the roof’s pitch.

Slide 1st plank bracket onto the top 8 ft. rail and up to the 2nd hole from the top and insert a locking pin.

Place a joiner bracket on the top rail’s last hole and insert the locking pin.

Slide the 2nd 8 ft. rail into the joiner bracket connected to the top rail, and insert the next locking pin.

Slide the next plank bracket up to the hole under the joiner bracket and insert the locking pin.

Slide the next plank bracket up to the hole under the joiner bracket and insert the locking pin.

If the 5 ft. extension rail is needed, attach the 2nd joiner bracket and locking pins as described above to add it.

Slide the 4th plank bracket onto the 5 ft. rail extension and use the locking pin to afix it to the desired hole.

Watch demo instruction video here